Framing is the part of the NNFFrNNFFr
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This is a framework (also referred to as NNFFr) that I developed in 2019 while doing action research and co-teaching 5th grade math at Daniels Run Elementary w... Action ResearchAction Research
Teacher action research involves a systematic and sustained study of some aspect of teaching and learning.
[[Souto-Manning 2012]] p.2
Action research is “a process of systematic inquiry, us... process that puts our data in context of our current classroom and it maps on to what is traditionally thought of as the observe stage in action research. ^49dee1
Within this stage we find the biggest difference between action research and scientific research. Action research is designed to be responsive, nimble, and constantly tweaked and adjusted as it requires the researcher to conduct their process in the context of their current classroom. Classrooms vary across schools, counties, states, countries, etc. as action researchers we are specifically interested in the immediacy of the present moment. We're not quite as concerned with large developmental global trends, large n, sample groups and many of the more formal aspects of scientific research. AR is all about inquiry and context. Effective, responsive instruction must always be bound by context.
Framing also implies that we're examining all our ideas within the context of existing literature on the topic. Of all the struggles continuing to challenge my desire to simplify the understanding and path of action research, incorporating and examining prior data is one of the most difficult.
#❓question If we offer the conceit that more often than not there is a required partnership between a research professional and the classroom teacher (this could take the form of an embedded grant position, university faculty, doctoral student, resource teacher), this person is responsible for producing, consuming, digesting, and relaying the existing literature and distilling it for the partner teacher. This connects to thoughts from Must there be a university partnership for action research?
See Also:
list from Frame