Teacher Friendly [[Action Research]]

Pollard & Tann (1987, p. 23) believe that “critical reflection and systematic investigation” of teaching practice should be an integral part of classroom life. Such writers have recommended ‘teacher friendly’ forms of research like self-evaluation, reflection, action research, action enquiry, and case study. And, as indicated at the beginning of this paper, many teachers have successfully researched educational issues using these approaches. Hancock 1997Hancock 1997
Why are class teachers reluctant to become researchers?

Roger Hancock

Journal of In-Service Education, 1997, Volume 23, Issue 1, Page 85–99

Page 2

ABSTRACT Although the teacher-as-researcher...
| Page 8

This is exactly the same reason that I began to work on NNFFrNNFFr
Notice Name Frame Follow and reFrame

This is a framework (also referred to as NNFFr) that I developed in 2019 while doing action research and co-teaching 5th grade math at Daniels Run Elementary w...
, though what is suggested here is missing the pieces of AR that make it AR. While the process and procedure is similar, it misses a few key points that I would like to address.

  • There is no mention or prior research
  • legitimizing the teaching profession - (see: There is a stigma around big R and little r research)
  • publishing/learning from colleagues - where is the sharing of this information? Perhaps a more formalized structure during a symposium or CLT where we share our ideas.

#❓question could this be built into the formation of a SMARTr goal if the school has that system implemented?